Cats, Cocktails, Crafts

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Margarita Popcorn

Margarita popcorn. How is that even possible?

Today we’re taking some homemade popcorn and coating it in a tequila lime butter. It gives me all the tequila flavor (though not in a bad way since my husband liked it even though he’s not a fan of tequila!). 

The Lime

I know a lot of you either use margarita mix or bottled lime juice for your margaritas. Today is not that day. You’ll need fresh lime juice for this recipe, but more so will need some lime zest to really make this popcorn vibrant.

The Popcorn

I used some generic popcorn kernels from my local grocery store that I’ve had in my pantry for ages. I often use microwave popcorn for my Popcorn of the Month, but I find that making it on the stove is easy enough to do and allows me to make my own butter toppings. Feel free to experiment with what you have at home and let us know in the comments how it worked!

You should all know by now that I love margaritas. It’s such an easy drink to like, so it’s no surprise that it’s loved by so many. That’s why I’ve decided to make August 2022 Margarita Month here on my blog! Make sure you’re subscribed and follow me on socials so you don’t miss anything.

Margarita Month

This is a recipe for my self-proclaimed Margarita Month and I have some fun ideas in store for us like margarita chia drink, cupcakes, rice krispy treats, and lemon bars. It’s going to be a fun month and I’m so excited to share these recipes with you!

Margarita Popcorn

Popcorn meets tequila, lime, and butter for this delicious tangy mashup inspired one of our favorite cocktails

2-3 servings


4 Tbsp unsalted butter

2 Tbsp lime juice or half a small lime

2 Tbsp tequila

2 Tbsp sugar

1-2 tsp salt (use margarita or popcorn salt if you have it)

Lime zest

⅓ cup popcorn kernels

2 Tbsp oil (I used vegetable)


Add butter, lime juice, tequila, sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 Tablespoon of lime zest to a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally.

Turn heat to low and allow to reduce while you make the popcorn.

Get a few things ready. Have a large bowl handy to put the popcorn into once it’s popped, a large saucepan with a lid, and a spoon to fish out the test kernels so they don’t burn. Also make sure you have your popcorn kernels measured out and ready to go.

In a large saucepan, add cooking oil. Heat on medium to medium-high. Add 3 kernels of popcorn. Once these pop, your oil is ready!

Remove these pieces and add the rest of your popcorn kernels. Add the lid so they don’t jump out while they pop.

Gently shake the pan every 10-30 seconds to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Once the popping slows and most if not all of your kernels are popped, remove from heat, leaving the lid on until popping completely stops.

Check on your butter, giving it a stir. Remove from heat.

Add popcorn to a large serving bowl. Pour butter mixture over top and stir to coat.

Taste. Add more lime zest and salt as needed.

EXTRA: to keep it from getting soggy, spread it across a sheet pan so it doesn’t sit in too much liquid. You can pop this in the oven for a couple minutes just before serving if you lose too much heat.

Serve with your favorite margarita!