Cats, Cocktails, Crafts

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Tuttle Twins Knowledge Juice

Season 2 of the Tuttle Twins TV series isn't too far off! If you're looking for a kid-friendly drink to enjoy during your next episode or Tuttle Tuesday, you're in the right place! 

Knowledge juice is used in the show to power Grandma Gabby's time-traveling wheelchair. It's a green liquid with a thick consistency; kind of like thin, drinkable Jell-o. 

I stumbled upon a recipe a few years ago on Pinterest of a magazine recipe that Jell-o itself published. It's a drink similar to Kool-aid, except it's made with Jell-o so it turns out thicker. It's perfect for this! 

Mix one packet of Jell-o gelatin with 1 cup of hot water, until dissolved. Add in 3 cups of cold water and pour over ice. I like to let it set for 5-10 minutes before drinking to give it a chance to thicken up. You can pop it into the fridge or freezer for a couple minutes if you’re tight on time!

Knowledge Juice

For Knowledge Juice, we have to use a green gelatin. I’ve tried this recipe with Jell-o brand jello as well as a sugar-free Kroger brand so far, both of which taste great, but the Kroger brand takes longer to set. Feel free to try with your own favorite gelatin and let us know how it turned out!

Mix it up!

You can switch out the 3 cups of cold water with a clear soda or juice if you’d like. Just make sure it goes with your jello flavor and won’t change the color too much.

Tuttle Twins Knowledge Juice

This thick green drink is the perfect treat for your next Tuttle Twins watch party!


1 box green jello (I used lime)

1 cup hot water

3 cups cold water

Ice to serve


Pour hot water into a pitcher. Stir in jello until completely dissolved.

Pour in cold water and stir until combined.

Let sit for 10 minutes for it to thicken. You can pop it into the fridge for a couple minutes to speed this up.

Serve over ice.